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Liver And Pathway Detox

Liver And Pathway Detox

Liver detox!

Your liver processes most toxins you are exposed to everyday like BPA, pesticides, air pollutants, flame retardants, and phthalates. These environmental toxins affect the whole body. The liver also breaks down natural hormones like, estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. Your liver has 500 jobs in your body.

This cleanse comes with 3 phases, a binder drink and recommended foods, instructions and other information to help you get the best possible cleanse. You can find this information here


You will take it in reverse, starting with phase 3.

Phase 3 gets your gallbladder, kidneys, and colon ready for the cleanse.

Support healthy bile flow and secretion

Support digestive system

Help protect intestinal lining

Source of soluble fiber

Contains antioxidant, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins

Stimulate the release of bile and remove some heavy metals

Can help lower liver inflammation enzymes

Reduce inflammation

Helps binders (this step is coming up)

You will take 3 droppers daily for the first 7 days

Come phase 1 you will start taking this blend again at 1 dropper a day to support the final phase.

You will drink lots of water with phase 3. Eliminate must be in order to continue a proper detox. You need to be having bowel movements after each meal. Phase 3 is all about transportation.

Phase 2, inflammation and pathway conjugation.

Phase 2 attaches to toxins and molecules to Neutralize them to leave. It uses pathways to make toxins and drugs water soluble, so they can be removed easier . Phase 3 has already opened some pathways necessary to detox, and phase 2 comes in to help push them out and finish opening pathways.

Other supporting benefits of phase 2

Supports glucuronidation

Support methylation

Natural form of Glutathione

Support function of liver, kidneys and intestines

Lower inflammation

Fights off infections

Protect the liver from toxins that are being removed

Profexr adrenals, HPA axis

You will take 2 droppers daily for 2 weeks ( you will be taking this along with binder and phase 1)

This blend is thick and has seeds (psyllium)

Phase 1 is about oxidation of harmful toxins in order to break them down to less harmful metabolites. It does result in free radicals, and its important to keep them moving through the pathways. You will be taking all 3 tincture to help insure this and you will have a list of foods that can also help!

Phase 1 has herbs that

Protects internally from toxins

Support detox and helps prevent damage

Helps transform toxins to water soluble

Hepatoprotective to help protect and detox liver when exposed to reactive species as they transform to water soluble

Herbs that use themselves to cancel our free radicals

Activates liver detoxification pathways

Decrease lipid preoxidation

Nrf2 activator, a liver pathways that is key in detoxing

Decrease oxidative stress, protect liver and eliminate xenobiotic

Detox and eliminate toxins

3 droppers daily for 10 days. 7 days of this you will be taking all 3 tincture and the binder drink.

Binder powder

You will mix 1tsp of this powder in liquid and drink. The amount of liquid is up to you, I've been doing like half a cup.

This helps bind to all the toxins and free radicals and eliminates them through bile or urination.

You will drink this 4 hours after or before any medication, including tinctures.

It is important with this cleanse to stay hydrated, and increase veggies, fruits and other sources of nutrients. It's been fairly simple for us, but you absolutely need to be dedicated.

I've lost 6 pounds doing the cleanse, although that isn't necessary something everyone will see. Now phase 2 I felt bloated and didn't get on the scales.

How will you feel?

It's possible to have mild flu like symptoms, out of 4 of us taking this cleanse 1 felt mild flu symptoms on days 2 and 3 of phase 3. However this person has had a lot of toxin exposure.

You will likely have more bathroom trips, but it shouldn't be a moment of needing to stay home for fear of needing to go to the bathroom.

Phase 2, I personally felt some stomach aches 1 night which may not be related and I had a mild headache a time or two which can be a symptom of toxins leaving the body.

Each person will feel differently, but out of 4 of us, those are they only symptoms anyone has had and 2 of the 4 have really had none except increased bathroom trips.

I will also say 1 did notice parasites in the stool, which can happen and is a good thing to have them removed


Phase 3 contains - alcohol, burdock root, peppermint, dandelion root, slippery elm, parsley, turmeric, aloe


phase 2 contains - alcohol, psyllium, dandelion, roobios, rosemary, orange, lime, lemon, beetroot, milk thistle, turmeric, burdock, goldenrod, andrographics, schisandra berry, reishi mushroom 


phase 1 contains - alcohol, reishi, astragalus, dandelion root, turmeric, schisandra berry, milk thistle, chicory root, cilantro and yellow dock.


Binder contains - coconut charcoal, bentonite clay, aloe and seaweed. 

  • Disclaimer

    Disclaimer- Any statements we make are not evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or replace medical care. Please be sure to contact your medical health professional if you have any concerns about taking any natural products. And do your own research.

    We operate in a clean, sanitized kitchen not subjected to inspection but sanatize within Missouri cottage laws regulations

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